To my surprise, I found out that some of my patients convince themselves that negative emotions are ok, mainly because of fear of change and withdrawal from the comfort zone, and a hold on the safe existence.
A patient thinks that being sad is good, because it indicates that she is sensitive.
Another patient feels alive only if he quarrels w,ith his family, anger and shouting, are a sign of vitality for him.
When we reach joy and relaxation, then we better understand the damage that the negative emotions have caused us.
To get convinced, start with small steps. "The appetite comes during the meal."
Meditate on breathing every morning and discover the calm that it brings to your lives.
Thinking every morning about what can bring us moments of joy during the day and replace the negative emotions. Look at the mirror and love what you see, mirror exercises.
Every positive change we manage to make, within ourselves, affects our environment, family, friends, work in a positive way as well.
If in a certain situation, until now, our automatic behavior, has caused us a negative feeling and we are now able to replace it with calm and joy, after a certain period of persuasion and testing, our environment will also become more happy and relaxed.
This is the essence of Yemima studies, NLP treatments, time line therapy, etc.
Good luck and I'm always here to help if needed
With the love the Breathing